Grazie a Mlynxqualey per avermi inclusa nella sua rassegna di nuovi siti che si dedicano alla letteratura araba..!
Questo reblog vale anche come invito ad andare a visitare il suo ottimo blog che è una vera miniera d’oro per chiunque conosca l’inglese e si occupi di letteratura araba e voglia saperne di più sulle novità nel campo dell’editoria, letteratura, traduzioni, autori!


Three New Websites

Editoriaraba: Un blog per raccontare le novità editoriali del mondo arabo!

I know that a number of ArabLit’s readers come from Italy; here is an ArabLit source that does me one better: It’s in Italian. Also, a handy-dandy editorial calendar.

Kifah Libya’s Literature Section

One of the new magazine’s opening sallies was Naila Kelani’s Genres Of The “Arab Spring”: Narrating Revolutions

They say: “Kifah Libya is an independent, online magazine created to offer in-depth and critical analysis of Libyan political, social, and cultural affairs.” I’m delighted to see that this just-launched mag is making an effort to run a literature section.

We Love Arabic

This is a new site aimed at providing resources for students and teachers of Arabic. But it’s not just straight-up teaching: Ruth has recently included notes about her favorite Jordanian bookseller, as well as Arabic-lit events in London.

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